Attention Struggling Network Marketers… "Are You Ready To Kick Rejection To The Curb And Explode Your Network Marketing Business?"
Attention Struggling Network Marketers…
"Are You Ready To Kick Rejection To The Curb And Explode Your Network Marketing Business?"
Discover 5 Myths You’ve Been Told About Network Marketing That Are Keeping You Stuck And Struggling … PLUS How To Break Out Of This Mode And Create A Never Ending Stream Of Red-Hot Prospects Ready
To Join Your Business TODAY.
dear friend
If you want to PERMANENTLY END REJECTION… and discover a simple system to attracting an endless stream of qualified prospects… PLUS get paid whether they join your business or NOT… then I urge you to set everything else aside and study every word on this page as if your life depends on it.
Because the truth is…
The success of your network marketing business does.
In the next few minutes, I’m going to reveal to you 5 BIGGEST MYTHS in our industry. Myths that are keeping you stuck, struggling, and still earning a minimum wage in a business YOU KNOW can pay you a fortune.
ferny My name is Ferny Ceballos.
I’m a 8-figure earner and internet marketing specialist with Thousands of students around the world, many of whom have gone on to produce 6-Figure and 7-Figure incomes in network marketing, internet marketing and direct sales.
However, things weren’t always this bright.
As a matter of fact…
I Almost QUIT Network Marketing
You see, back in 2006, when I was about 9 months into my first network marketing company, and doing everything I was told, such as..
Making a list of the 100 people I knew
Inviting them to see “The Plan”
Doing home meetings
Trying to recruit everyone I met
Meeting people for lunch and drawing circles on napkins
And getting rejected over and over again…
After doing ALL THAT…
I had completely tapped out my warm market, had a small dwindling team of unmotivated reps who couldn’t recruit their senile grandma to save their lives. And I couldn’t get enough new people to fill my ‘leaky bucket’ of an MLM business.
Now, in spite of the fact that I had a degree from MIT and what most people would consider a “good job”…
Things Were Far Worse Than
They Seemed On The Outside…
I absolutely hated my job. The chilling idea of fighting brutal LA traffic every morning so that I can be stuck in a little cell for 8 hours a day… and doing it every single day for the next 40 years of my life sent goosebumps down my spine.
On top of that…
I was drowning in credit card debt and falling behind on my bills from all the money I was spending on this little business.
Not to mention being sick to my stomach of rejection, home meetings, driving long hours at night… as well as being made fun of by my coworkers, family and so-called friends. The same friends who accused me of peddling some pyramid scheme or products they could buy at Walmart for less.
You know what I’m talking about?
In the end, all I really wanted from my business was…
To Get More Money
To Have More Time
To Have Less Debt
And to Fire Your Boss!
But at this point I was feeling hopeless and totally discouraged. I didn’t even have it in me to pick up the phone and call another prospect.
I simply could NOT stomach any more rejection. As a matter of fact all this was starting to take a serious toll on my health. I was depressed. Angry. Didn’t sleep well at night. My energy was completely drained before lunch time. And I was only 26 at the time.
I was within a hair’s breadth of throwing in the towel and calling it quits.
And if it wasn’t for a little website I accidentally stumbled upon one late evening, I’m pretty sure I would have.
What I Discovered That Night SHOCKED Me
I discovered a completely new world which I felt was being deliberately kept from me.
I remember like it was yesterday. Sitting at my computer next to a growing pile of bills. Desperately searching for anything I could find about building my network marketing business online.
And I’m reading this article about a guy who was literally recruiting thousands of people into his business.
In fact, the exact figures were…
1732 Recruits In ONE MONTH…
And I’m thinking to myself… “How could this even be possible?”
Here I am killing myself, driving all over Southern California, doing meetings and I sponsored a whopping 17 people in almost a year. Yet here’s a guy who sits behind a computer and in a single month recruits a friggin’ army.
By the way, his name is Tim, and I’ll tell you more about him in a little bit.
However at that moment, as you can imagine, I was more than skeptical. After all, I’ve already had a fair share of “kool-aid” shoved down my throat. But I didn’t let that distract me from getting ALL THE FACTS before writing it off as a bunch of hype.
Instead, I stayed up late into the wee hours trying to soak in as much as I could, even though I had to be up at 5am the next day..
What I discovered that night, is that…
Almost everything I was told by my upline about building a successful network marketing business was…
DO NOT Read Any Further Unless You’re Ready To Hear The Truth
Ok, don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’m skating on thin ice here, because what I’m about to say will NOT go well with most of the Top Leaders in Network Marketing.
But It Is The Truth…
Big Myth Number 1:
This Is A Numbers Game
“Don’t worry about rejection. The more people you talk to, the more people you’re going to recruit. This is a number game.”
Ever heard this one before?
I bet you have, and it probably kept you from losing your mind when most, if not ALL your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers said NO to your business.
Because after all, it’s a “Numbers Game”, right?
Well, even though this is partially true, business is a game of numbers, there is a way to build yours without facing ANY rejection whatsoever, and skip the embarrassment that comes with it.
You’ll discover how further on this page.
Big Myth Number 2:
You Are Just One Recruit Away From An Explosion
I think some Network Marketing Leaders say that just to give you a false sense of hope that your winning lottery ticket is just one rep away. Theoretically it’s true. However I’ve met people who personally sponsored HUNDREDS into their company and never got their business off the ground.
I’ll tell the real reason why in a moment. And more importantly, how you can FIX this massive leaky hole in your business.
Big Myth Number 3:
Most Of Your Time Should Be Spent Prospecting
This one might surprise you. Prospecting by making cold calls, going to the mall, talking to strangers, passing out flyers or business cards… all this is a BIG HONKING WASTE OF TIME, compared to the leverage you have available to you with social media and the internet.
Seriously, think about it… if you spend all of your time and energy out in public and burning gas driving around town trying to get in front of people, you’ll have no time left to actually run your business.
I think Michael Gerber in his classic book “The E-Myth” summed it up best…
“Work ON your business not IN it.”
I, like many Network Marketers was not only working IN my business, but I wasn’t even making any money for it.
I’m going to show you how to shift your focus to much more profitable activities, that will explode your Network Marketing business without doing any traditional or in-person prospecting at all.
Big Myth Number 4:
Recruiting Is The Key To Your Success In Network Marketing
Now before you grab the torch and the pitchfork, hear me out. Recruiting is an essential part of your success in Network Marketing, but it is NOT the key.
Thinking that it is, would be the same as saying the key to McDonald’s success is selling franchises. It’s not.
Hold that thought for a moment, because this might be one of the most IMPORTANT things I’m going to reveal to you.
Big Myth Number 5:
Don’t Reinvent The Wheel
Do what other successful people have done, and you too will be successful.
Here’s the problem with this thinking. Most of the advice given today in Network Marketing, comes from the “old school” methods that might have worked well in the 80’s and the early part of the 90’s.
But C’mon…
Seriously. We are over a DECADE into the 21st century, and the old “tried and true” methods will soon become as outdated as the Pony Express.
Last time I checked, my mail man pulled up in a car. And I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume yours did too.
With what we have at our disposal today, it’s INSANE to continue and rely on these dying and quite frankly, painful tactics, and not leverage the technology you have at your finger tips.
You could take a steamboat across the Atlantic today, and hopefully make it through rough weather in a week’s time. OR… you could hop on plane and get from New York to London in just 6 hours.
I think we can safely say…
It’s Official…
Old School MLM Is DONE…
And The Internet is Now KING!
My old school mentors who had created their “wealth” in the glory days of Amway, had been teaching me things they knew no longer worked because the internet had completely changed the game. In fact, they did everything they could to shield me from the internet.
And with good reason…
Why Would They Want To Expose The Truth?
When the FACT is…
There’s absolutely NO NEED to “pound the pavement” on a daily basis, when you can let an automated system do ALL the heavy lifting for you.
A system that will AUTOMATICALLY…
Get leads & prospect for you without having to pick up the phone to cold call or deal with rejection from tire kickers ever again.
Get highly motivated prospects with a few keystokes, real people who actually WANT to see what you’ve got!
Recruit people and make sales without even talking to them, until they sign up or submit an application first! (Made $60k in passive income my 1st year with this.)
And what you’re about to discover is how you can…
Shortcut The Process…
Save yourself weeks, months, and possibly even years of frustration, and NO RESULTS… and build a successful Network Marketing business and create an instant income in NO TIME FLAT.
Using something called…
Attraction Marketing
A concept I discovered that night, which has permanently put an end to all my financial problems, and opened the door to a massive amount of money and success.
Since that night, ‘till today, there were…
No more cold calls or late night hotel meetings.
No more passing out flyers or talking to strangers trying to get them “interested” in my business.
And no more hassling my friends and family about joining my opportunity.
I started generating 100’s of quality leads online, all with a click of a button.
I was recruiting leaders into my business without picking up the phone, or trying to sell anyone on anything.
I made over $60,000 in passive commissions in the next 12 months using strictly the internet to attract people.
I quit my engineering job. (Imagine the surprised looks I got from my friends and family when I dropped that bombshell on them.)
I launched a new business and grossed over $700,000 in the first month online, doing it ALL FROM HOME.
In fact, TODAY - Network Marketing distributors & leaders alike - from all around the world - are paying my partners and I, up to $50,000, EACH, to come spend a day with us, to learn our step-by-step “Attraction Marketing” system.
The business transformations and success stories that have come out of these VIP DAYS have been amazing.
Struggling Network Marketers, Many On Their Last Dime, Going From ZERO To Over $100,000 In Cash… In Less Than A Year
Because for the first time in their business career, they knew EXACTLY what to do, and had the CONFIDENCE to take action, knowing the results will be huge.
And did I mention they did it with ZERO REJECTION?
Some have become mentors to others, and have created success stories of their own.
WITHOUT using the “old as dirt” methods still being taught to wide-eyed Network Marketers all over the world as your read this.
As a matter of fact, when you do this…
People Will PAY YOU
To See Your Business Opportunity
How’s that for a change?
No more rejection, frustration, or embarrassment.
You only get to deal with HIGH QUALITY people, who aren’t going to haggle you or throw some stupid “is this a pyramid” objection.
And the best part is the entire prospecting & qualifying process can be almost 100% automated.
Which means you don’t need to work IN your business, but instead, like a REAL entrepreneur be working ON your business. Making it more profitable and lucrative for others to want to join YOU.
This is the POWER of Attraction Marketing.
And you’re about to discover how to get your hands on this step-by-step system.
Back in 2008, after my first wave of massive success, I wrote an earlier version of this system to keep up with the demand of people who wanted this powerful blueprint.
The response has been mind boggling.
Thousands Have Been Able To Escape The REJECTION HELL…
… and see fast results in their Network Marketing businesses.
And now you have an opportunity to get YOUR hands on a brand new and up-to-date edition of the same blueprint, called Attraction Marketing Formula.
11 Year Network Marketing Veteran says…
“Attraction Marketing Formula literally changed my business and my life!”
- Cesar R. - Wilmington, North Carolina
This is now the 6th edition and available for the first time in over a year, which has been updated to take advantage of the latest internet marketing tricks & strategies. This ‘stripped down’ manual has transformed thousands of lives and is the exact blueprint all our high-end workshops students study first to create their online lead getting machine.
You'll have the opportunity to instantly download and access this powerful information immediately.
But first, let’s take a quick peek at what you’ll get inside the Attraction Marketing Formula:
The secret to selling ANYTHING. Once you get this concept you’ll be able to successfully market ANY kind of a product or business opportunity. (Page 34)
How you can transform your business overnight and quickly create a massive downline WITHOUT even promoting your business opportunity. This ONE TIP has been responsible for launching a new wave of Million Dollar earners.
The absolute BEST WAY to generate leads and get paid in the process EVEN IF they never join your business. I used this to kickstart my list and got 323 red-hot leads and pocketing $359.56 in pure profit. (Page 30)
How to create a perfect “Doorway” into your business and generate an endless stream of high-quality leads. I’ll show you the most effective way to attract a huge number of prospects and exactly what I did to go from lead poverty to creating literally HUNDREDS of Thousands of leads online. (Page 57)
How to get thousands of people to TRUST you, hang on to your every word and join ANY business or buy ANY product with a single email. (Page 77)
How to add NEW streams of income to your existing Network Marketing business. You can do this as quickly as one hour and immediately turn it into ongoing residual profits. (Page 31)
Got an idea for a product you want to sell online? 90% of these ideas FAIL miserably… but here’s a simple 5-step process to make sure you hit the bull’s eye every single time. (Page 40)
How to turn the tables on all the skeptics and boneheads… NEVER AGAIN explain to ANYONE the difference between a “pyramid scheme” and your MLM opportunity – and Get Qualified & Interested Leads Only!
Ever email your prospects? This is where most people BLOW IT… here’s the most important tip you will ever hear about email marketing. (Page 79)
A simple laundry trick you can use to consistently get more people and pump new blood into your business every single day. (Page 17)
Should you lead with your product or business opportunity for MAXIMUM success? The right answer may surprise you. (Page 39)
How to start on a tiny shoestring budget and actually turn prospects who never join your business or buy your product into THOUSANDS of Dollars in profits. (Page 28)
A little 4 letter word that’ll make every one of your ads jump out, grab your prospect’s attention, and elicit a strong emotional response. This is the SECRET to attracting the “right person” and getting them to chase YOU. (Page 25)
How to pick the right domain name for your attraction marketing machine. Most people do it WRONG. (Page 49)
A 5-step “Million Dollar Blueprint” to creating a never ending flow of high-quality prospects into your MLM business and turning it into a 7-Figure empire. (Page 22)
The single biggest secret Multi-Million (and BILLION) Dollar companies use to rake in insane amounts of money… and how YOU can use the exact same secret to virtually EXPLODE your income in no time flat. (Page 36)
How to use email to AUTOMATICALLY grow your prospect list, build relationships and fatten your bank account. (Page 73)
This truly is just the tip of the iceberg of what you’re about to discover inside this tightly condensed Million Dollar playbook.
All Without EVER Having To Chase OR Beg Your Friends,
Family And Neighbors To Even Look At Your Business
Imagine the looks on the faces of the very same people who laughed and ridiculed you at one time, when you start getting astonishing results like these...
What Others Are Saying...
"I’ve been using AMF in my business and it’s helped me explode to where I am…"
- Ken F. - Calgary, Canada
"AMF is the answer to marketing on the internet…"
- Jim H. - Houston, Texas
"If You’Ve Struggled In Network Marketing, Struggled To Get Leads, Or Just Tired Of Chasing Your Friends And Family – Then You Definitely Want To Listen UP…"
- Richard S. - Houston, Texas
This is what you have to look forward to when you grab the Attraction Marketing Formula and put my system to work for you.
PLUS… when you order my step-by-step blueprint today, you also get these 2 valuable bonuses.
FAST ACTION BONUS #1 ($197.00 Value – FREE):
Lifetime Access To The Elite Marketing PRO Affiliate System
As an owner of Attraction Marketing Formula you’ll have full access to a state-of-the-art online marketing system I’ve personally used to attract and recruit an army of people into my own business, when I got started. This is the exact same system that has been used by thousands of network marketers around the globe to generate leads, help them recruit downline reps and make hefty commissions in the process.Your complimentary account comes with:
Marketing Resources - to master the art of ‘attraction marketing
High-Converting Affiliate Offers - make money, even if people don’t join your business
Fully Automated System - so you can recruit and/or make money while sleeping
It cost us well over $100,000 to develop this lead-generation and commission producing system. And we’ve charged others a very modest fee of just $19.97 per month to use it.
However, as a member of the Attraction Marketing Formula you’ll have instant access at NO ADDITIONAL COST.
FAST ACTION BONUS #2 ($97.00 Value – FREE):
Special LIVE Income Kickstart Training
erwayRemember my mentor Tim Erway? The guy who recruited 1,732 people in a single month?
What I didn’t tell you is that Tim has generated over $30,000,000 in sales online.
And has been responsible for training a whole new generation of Internet Marketers.
Many of whom have become 6, 7, and some even 8-Figure earners, launching their own Internet Empires.
And as a special bonus for getting Attraction Marketing Formula today, I’m inviting you to join Tim and myself on a one-time-only LIVE training webinar, where Tim will reveal his system for generating over $30 Million Bucks online… and show you how YOU can kickstart your Network Marketing business and explode your income using the exact same secrets.
Even if you can’t make the LIVE training, the recording will be posted inside your member’s area.
FAST ACTION BONUS #3 ($297.00 Value – FREE):
Ignition Coaching Program
My mentor and now business partner Tim Erway, will coach you step-by-step on starting your own online marketing business using every single tactic you’ll discover inside Attraction Marketing Formula.
This is by far the most valuable bonus you could ever get your hands on.
The reason an astonishing 95% of people fail in business, even when they have all the right tools and information, is this – no clear plan of action and lack of implementation.
ignition-coaching-screenAnd we’ve solved this problem by putting together a comprehensive 2-part Ignition Coaching Program.
The first part of consists of 4 step-by-step Modules where Tim will personally walk you through the system that has generated over $30,000,000 in sales for him. And HUNDREDS of Millions in combined profits for his students.
You’ll discover both the mindset and the skill set you need to creating a true Lifestyle Business. As well as wealth building secrets to help you become totally Financially FREE.
The second part of this program is even MORE EXCITING.
You get THREE 1-on-1 calls with a business coach to help you take action and implement every step of the process.
This is the ONLY true shortcut to building a successful business and it’s as close as we can possibly get to virtually guarantee your success.
Even at $297.00 it’s a complete steal for what you get. However, I’d like to include this as my gift to you when you take action and grab Attraction Marketing Formula today.
Are You Ready To Kiss Your Struggles And Frustrations Good-Bye… And Explode Your Network Marketing Business?
I’ve thought long and hard about how much I should charge to reveal all these business building and income exploding secrets.
After all, it cost me over $250,000 of cash out of my own pocket to learn these same marketing strategies I’m about to hand you and I'm certainly not just going to give them away.
So I think you’ll agree that at $97 it’s a heck of a bargain.
But I’ve decided to make it really a no-brainer for you, and chop that in half. Which means you can get your hands on the entire Attraction Marketing Formula in the next 2 minutes for only $47.
Plus remember, I’m also throwing in two valuable bonuses worth $294.00 for FREE.
Attraction Marketing Formula
88 Pages of No-B.S. & No Fluff Guide to Creating Your Own Online Prospecting Machine on Auto-Pilot!
Yes I’m Ready To Explode My Network Marketing Business Right Now
$97 Only $47 Now!
add to cart
Add To Cart – $47
Plus, you’re covered by my NO QUESTIONS ASKED 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
If in the next 30 days after you get the manual you don’t think Attraction Marketing Formula will help you explode your business and your income, I demand you get a refund.
Simply shoot my support desk and email and we’ll promptly and cheerfully refund your payment. No questions asked.
Heck, you can even keep the copy of the ebook as a gift from me to you!
So as you can see, there’s absolutely nothing to lose.
Your Purchase Helps Us Fight Hunger & Poverty Around The World
As a company that helps build independent leaders and empower entrepreneurs, I’m especially excited about this initiative. We’ve made a commitment to support a very special organization, Heifer International, with every single purchase of Attraction Marketing Formula.
Heifer is on a mission to help end hunger and poverty by providing relief and empowering struggling communities around the globe to become self-reliant. And we are pledging $1 from the proceeds of every copy of Attraction Marketing Formula to this worthy cause.
Collectively, these seemingly small donations enable us to raise money, including the ability to donate a Gift Arc. This provides a number of communities around the globe with livestock, education and empowerment to people who need help right now. In fact, we've raised over $20,000 just in the first two weeks of introducing this special initiative.
Heifer International helps families turn adversity into hope and prosperity. Which is in perfect alignment with our company’s mission and values. And I couldn’t be more excited about giving back through the help of this world-class organization.
Go ahead and order Attraction Marketing Formula right now and I can’t wait to hear about your success.
Ferny Ceballos
P.S.- I’ve gotten a number of questions about the system, so here are some frequently asked ones below.
Frequently Asked Questions
q-icon Will this work for me?
YES! Throughout our years in this industry, I have always found people that were willing to do the work. The problem is, they never knew exactly what they needed to do to get results. Attraction Marketing Formula was born from this mindset:
“How do I get new distributors the results they need to keep growing?”
“How can I make sure my downline doesn’t quit?”
These are the exact questions that made me look for a better way. This course is written for anyone looking for a better way to build their business. Even though I’m an ex-rocket scientist, I guarantee that Attraction Marketing Formula requires no special skills other than a desire to succeed.
q-iconWhat if I’ve been around for a while? Will I learn anything new?
YES! If you’ve had success using old-school methods, then you can only do better using the principles in Attraction Marketing Formula to extend your reach. We don’t bash old-school methods, we only lament their lack of effectiveness in a more modern, more interruptible world. Using attraction marketing to amplify the relationship building you’ve always been taught is a surefire recipe for success.
q-icon Is this course worth it?
I too have been burned in the past buying courses that either didn’t work or were full of stuff I already knew. In fact, I got burned a few times buying overpriced coaching programs and outdated ebooks that offered very little value.
Which is why I put this offer together with a couple of things in mind:
* To give you exactly what you need to build your online lead generating machine online.
* Make it affordable for any serious networker looking to grow their business online and remove all risk.
* Provide you with everything you need in one place.
You won’t be able to find all the information available in AMF for less than what you are paying today.
It simply isn’t possible — trust me, we’ve proved it!
So I would have to say that you are either insane or not serious about your business, if you’re not willing to invest $27 and change your life. This is a bargain. Period.
q-iconWhat about talking to prospects? Will I still have to cold call?
HELL NO! I am anti-cold calling.
You should only be talking to prospects excited about your opportunity. This is NOT a numbers game, remember? AMF was created to help you automate your business and attract the best leads for your business.
May you call your leads anyway? Sure.
Personally following up with interested prospects will multiply your results, but it is NOT a requirement. That’s the best part of this system. If you’re not comfortable on the phone, don’t do it.
Plain and simple. Let the system do the work for you.
“You Will Be in Good Hands…”
Mike Dillard
“I first noticed Ferny as an active member of my community. He was providing high quality content and adding tremendous value to our members.
I, of course, took an interest, especially when he started teaching others in the community about advanced strategies no one in the networking marketing community was offering.
My response was, “this guy should be charging for this stuff.“
Since then, I’ve invited him to work with me on several different projects.
I am very selective in the caliber of people I choose to associate and work with. So the fact that I trusted Ferny to help run any aspect of my business, speaks volumes about his abilities and qualifications.
You will be in good hands with this guy at your side.”
Mike Dillard Magnetic Sponosoring
P.P.S. Remember, you literally have 30 days to consume AMF and have it produce results for you. If you are not completely satisfied, simply email to within 30 days of your purchase, request a refund and we’ll process it immediately.
Ready to kick the old school tried and true tactics to the curb?
pay to Guarantee Trust Bank
Account Number :- 0177715823
Account Name:- David Jimmy Junior
Amount to pay:- #1000(one thousand naira only).
Note:- After making payment, UPLOAD the teller to this email address with your full name and a working email address . And let’s make some serious money together.
Income Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this system or any of these products. This is information designed to help you understand the specific information covered. It is not an attempt to render tax, legal, or business advice. We do not purport this as a “Get Rich Scheme”. This is not a business opportunity. How you use the information is entirely up to you. While every effort has been made to accurately represent the information along with my opinions and insights, any claims made or examples given, although believed to be accurate, should not be relied on in any way in making a decision whether or not to purchase.
© 2017 Elite Marketing Pro, LLC All Rights Reserved.
"Are You Ready To Kick Rejection To The Curb And Explode Your Network Marketing Business?"
Discover 5 Myths You’ve Been Told About Network Marketing That Are Keeping You Stuck And Struggling … PLUS How To Break Out Of This Mode And Create A Never Ending Stream Of Red-Hot Prospects Ready
To Join Your Business TODAY.
dear friend
If you want to PERMANENTLY END REJECTION… and discover a simple system to attracting an endless stream of qualified prospects… PLUS get paid whether they join your business or NOT… then I urge you to set everything else aside and study every word on this page as if your life depends on it.
Because the truth is…
The success of your network marketing business does.
In the next few minutes, I’m going to reveal to you 5 BIGGEST MYTHS in our industry. Myths that are keeping you stuck, struggling, and still earning a minimum wage in a business YOU KNOW can pay you a fortune.
ferny My name is Ferny Ceballos.
I’m a 8-figure earner and internet marketing specialist with Thousands of students around the world, many of whom have gone on to produce 6-Figure and 7-Figure incomes in network marketing, internet marketing and direct sales.
However, things weren’t always this bright.
As a matter of fact…
I Almost QUIT Network Marketing
You see, back in 2006, when I was about 9 months into my first network marketing company, and doing everything I was told, such as..
Making a list of the 100 people I knew
Inviting them to see “The Plan”
Doing home meetings
Trying to recruit everyone I met
Meeting people for lunch and drawing circles on napkins
And getting rejected over and over again…
After doing ALL THAT…
I had completely tapped out my warm market, had a small dwindling team of unmotivated reps who couldn’t recruit their senile grandma to save their lives. And I couldn’t get enough new people to fill my ‘leaky bucket’ of an MLM business.
Now, in spite of the fact that I had a degree from MIT and what most people would consider a “good job”…
Things Were Far Worse Than
They Seemed On The Outside…
I absolutely hated my job. The chilling idea of fighting brutal LA traffic every morning so that I can be stuck in a little cell for 8 hours a day… and doing it every single day for the next 40 years of my life sent goosebumps down my spine.
On top of that…
I was drowning in credit card debt and falling behind on my bills from all the money I was spending on this little business.
Not to mention being sick to my stomach of rejection, home meetings, driving long hours at night… as well as being made fun of by my coworkers, family and so-called friends. The same friends who accused me of peddling some pyramid scheme or products they could buy at Walmart for less.
You know what I’m talking about?
In the end, all I really wanted from my business was…
To Get More Money
To Have More Time
To Have Less Debt
And to Fire Your Boss!
But at this point I was feeling hopeless and totally discouraged. I didn’t even have it in me to pick up the phone and call another prospect.
I simply could NOT stomach any more rejection. As a matter of fact all this was starting to take a serious toll on my health. I was depressed. Angry. Didn’t sleep well at night. My energy was completely drained before lunch time. And I was only 26 at the time.
I was within a hair’s breadth of throwing in the towel and calling it quits.
And if it wasn’t for a little website I accidentally stumbled upon one late evening, I’m pretty sure I would have.
What I Discovered That Night SHOCKED Me
I discovered a completely new world which I felt was being deliberately kept from me.
I remember like it was yesterday. Sitting at my computer next to a growing pile of bills. Desperately searching for anything I could find about building my network marketing business online.
And I’m reading this article about a guy who was literally recruiting thousands of people into his business.
In fact, the exact figures were…
1732 Recruits In ONE MONTH…
And I’m thinking to myself… “How could this even be possible?”
Here I am killing myself, driving all over Southern California, doing meetings and I sponsored a whopping 17 people in almost a year. Yet here’s a guy who sits behind a computer and in a single month recruits a friggin’ army.
By the way, his name is Tim, and I’ll tell you more about him in a little bit.
However at that moment, as you can imagine, I was more than skeptical. After all, I’ve already had a fair share of “kool-aid” shoved down my throat. But I didn’t let that distract me from getting ALL THE FACTS before writing it off as a bunch of hype.
Instead, I stayed up late into the wee hours trying to soak in as much as I could, even though I had to be up at 5am the next day..
What I discovered that night, is that…
Almost everything I was told by my upline about building a successful network marketing business was…
DO NOT Read Any Further Unless You’re Ready To Hear The Truth
Ok, don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’m skating on thin ice here, because what I’m about to say will NOT go well with most of the Top Leaders in Network Marketing.
But It Is The Truth…
Big Myth Number 1:
This Is A Numbers Game
“Don’t worry about rejection. The more people you talk to, the more people you’re going to recruit. This is a number game.”
Ever heard this one before?
I bet you have, and it probably kept you from losing your mind when most, if not ALL your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers said NO to your business.
Because after all, it’s a “Numbers Game”, right?
Well, even though this is partially true, business is a game of numbers, there is a way to build yours without facing ANY rejection whatsoever, and skip the embarrassment that comes with it.
You’ll discover how further on this page.
Big Myth Number 2:
You Are Just One Recruit Away From An Explosion
I think some Network Marketing Leaders say that just to give you a false sense of hope that your winning lottery ticket is just one rep away. Theoretically it’s true. However I’ve met people who personally sponsored HUNDREDS into their company and never got their business off the ground.
I’ll tell the real reason why in a moment. And more importantly, how you can FIX this massive leaky hole in your business.
Big Myth Number 3:
Most Of Your Time Should Be Spent Prospecting
This one might surprise you. Prospecting by making cold calls, going to the mall, talking to strangers, passing out flyers or business cards… all this is a BIG HONKING WASTE OF TIME, compared to the leverage you have available to you with social media and the internet.
Seriously, think about it… if you spend all of your time and energy out in public and burning gas driving around town trying to get in front of people, you’ll have no time left to actually run your business.
I think Michael Gerber in his classic book “The E-Myth” summed it up best…
“Work ON your business not IN it.”
I, like many Network Marketers was not only working IN my business, but I wasn’t even making any money for it.
I’m going to show you how to shift your focus to much more profitable activities, that will explode your Network Marketing business without doing any traditional or in-person prospecting at all.
Big Myth Number 4:
Recruiting Is The Key To Your Success In Network Marketing
Now before you grab the torch and the pitchfork, hear me out. Recruiting is an essential part of your success in Network Marketing, but it is NOT the key.
Thinking that it is, would be the same as saying the key to McDonald’s success is selling franchises. It’s not.
Hold that thought for a moment, because this might be one of the most IMPORTANT things I’m going to reveal to you.
Big Myth Number 5:
Don’t Reinvent The Wheel
Do what other successful people have done, and you too will be successful.
Here’s the problem with this thinking. Most of the advice given today in Network Marketing, comes from the “old school” methods that might have worked well in the 80’s and the early part of the 90’s.
But C’mon…
Seriously. We are over a DECADE into the 21st century, and the old “tried and true” methods will soon become as outdated as the Pony Express.
Last time I checked, my mail man pulled up in a car. And I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume yours did too.
With what we have at our disposal today, it’s INSANE to continue and rely on these dying and quite frankly, painful tactics, and not leverage the technology you have at your finger tips.
You could take a steamboat across the Atlantic today, and hopefully make it through rough weather in a week’s time. OR… you could hop on plane and get from New York to London in just 6 hours.
I think we can safely say…
It’s Official…
Old School MLM Is DONE…
And The Internet is Now KING!
My old school mentors who had created their “wealth” in the glory days of Amway, had been teaching me things they knew no longer worked because the internet had completely changed the game. In fact, they did everything they could to shield me from the internet.
And with good reason…
Why Would They Want To Expose The Truth?
When the FACT is…
There’s absolutely NO NEED to “pound the pavement” on a daily basis, when you can let an automated system do ALL the heavy lifting for you.
A system that will AUTOMATICALLY…
Get leads & prospect for you without having to pick up the phone to cold call or deal with rejection from tire kickers ever again.
Get highly motivated prospects with a few keystokes, real people who actually WANT to see what you’ve got!
Recruit people and make sales without even talking to them, until they sign up or submit an application first! (Made $60k in passive income my 1st year with this.)
And what you’re about to discover is how you can…
Shortcut The Process…
Save yourself weeks, months, and possibly even years of frustration, and NO RESULTS… and build a successful Network Marketing business and create an instant income in NO TIME FLAT.
Using something called…
Attraction Marketing
A concept I discovered that night, which has permanently put an end to all my financial problems, and opened the door to a massive amount of money and success.
Since that night, ‘till today, there were…
No more cold calls or late night hotel meetings.
No more passing out flyers or talking to strangers trying to get them “interested” in my business.
And no more hassling my friends and family about joining my opportunity.
I started generating 100’s of quality leads online, all with a click of a button.
I was recruiting leaders into my business without picking up the phone, or trying to sell anyone on anything.
I made over $60,000 in passive commissions in the next 12 months using strictly the internet to attract people.
I quit my engineering job. (Imagine the surprised looks I got from my friends and family when I dropped that bombshell on them.)
I launched a new business and grossed over $700,000 in the first month online, doing it ALL FROM HOME.
In fact, TODAY - Network Marketing distributors & leaders alike - from all around the world - are paying my partners and I, up to $50,000, EACH, to come spend a day with us, to learn our step-by-step “Attraction Marketing” system.
The business transformations and success stories that have come out of these VIP DAYS have been amazing.
Struggling Network Marketers, Many On Their Last Dime, Going From ZERO To Over $100,000 In Cash… In Less Than A Year
Because for the first time in their business career, they knew EXACTLY what to do, and had the CONFIDENCE to take action, knowing the results will be huge.
And did I mention they did it with ZERO REJECTION?
Some have become mentors to others, and have created success stories of their own.
WITHOUT using the “old as dirt” methods still being taught to wide-eyed Network Marketers all over the world as your read this.
As a matter of fact, when you do this…
People Will PAY YOU
To See Your Business Opportunity
How’s that for a change?
No more rejection, frustration, or embarrassment.
You only get to deal with HIGH QUALITY people, who aren’t going to haggle you or throw some stupid “is this a pyramid” objection.
And the best part is the entire prospecting & qualifying process can be almost 100% automated.
Which means you don’t need to work IN your business, but instead, like a REAL entrepreneur be working ON your business. Making it more profitable and lucrative for others to want to join YOU.
This is the POWER of Attraction Marketing.
And you’re about to discover how to get your hands on this step-by-step system.
Back in 2008, after my first wave of massive success, I wrote an earlier version of this system to keep up with the demand of people who wanted this powerful blueprint.
The response has been mind boggling.
Thousands Have Been Able To Escape The REJECTION HELL…
… and see fast results in their Network Marketing businesses.
And now you have an opportunity to get YOUR hands on a brand new and up-to-date edition of the same blueprint, called Attraction Marketing Formula.
11 Year Network Marketing Veteran says…
“Attraction Marketing Formula literally changed my business and my life!”
- Cesar R. - Wilmington, North Carolina
This is now the 6th edition and available for the first time in over a year, which has been updated to take advantage of the latest internet marketing tricks & strategies. This ‘stripped down’ manual has transformed thousands of lives and is the exact blueprint all our high-end workshops students study first to create their online lead getting machine.
You'll have the opportunity to instantly download and access this powerful information immediately.
But first, let’s take a quick peek at what you’ll get inside the Attraction Marketing Formula:
The secret to selling ANYTHING. Once you get this concept you’ll be able to successfully market ANY kind of a product or business opportunity. (Page 34)
How you can transform your business overnight and quickly create a massive downline WITHOUT even promoting your business opportunity. This ONE TIP has been responsible for launching a new wave of Million Dollar earners.
The absolute BEST WAY to generate leads and get paid in the process EVEN IF they never join your business. I used this to kickstart my list and got 323 red-hot leads and pocketing $359.56 in pure profit. (Page 30)
How to create a perfect “Doorway” into your business and generate an endless stream of high-quality leads. I’ll show you the most effective way to attract a huge number of prospects and exactly what I did to go from lead poverty to creating literally HUNDREDS of Thousands of leads online. (Page 57)
How to get thousands of people to TRUST you, hang on to your every word and join ANY business or buy ANY product with a single email. (Page 77)
How to add NEW streams of income to your existing Network Marketing business. You can do this as quickly as one hour and immediately turn it into ongoing residual profits. (Page 31)
Got an idea for a product you want to sell online? 90% of these ideas FAIL miserably… but here’s a simple 5-step process to make sure you hit the bull’s eye every single time. (Page 40)
How to turn the tables on all the skeptics and boneheads… NEVER AGAIN explain to ANYONE the difference between a “pyramid scheme” and your MLM opportunity – and Get Qualified & Interested Leads Only!
Ever email your prospects? This is where most people BLOW IT… here’s the most important tip you will ever hear about email marketing. (Page 79)
A simple laundry trick you can use to consistently get more people and pump new blood into your business every single day. (Page 17)
Should you lead with your product or business opportunity for MAXIMUM success? The right answer may surprise you. (Page 39)
How to start on a tiny shoestring budget and actually turn prospects who never join your business or buy your product into THOUSANDS of Dollars in profits. (Page 28)
A little 4 letter word that’ll make every one of your ads jump out, grab your prospect’s attention, and elicit a strong emotional response. This is the SECRET to attracting the “right person” and getting them to chase YOU. (Page 25)
How to pick the right domain name for your attraction marketing machine. Most people do it WRONG. (Page 49)
A 5-step “Million Dollar Blueprint” to creating a never ending flow of high-quality prospects into your MLM business and turning it into a 7-Figure empire. (Page 22)
The single biggest secret Multi-Million (and BILLION) Dollar companies use to rake in insane amounts of money… and how YOU can use the exact same secret to virtually EXPLODE your income in no time flat. (Page 36)
How to use email to AUTOMATICALLY grow your prospect list, build relationships and fatten your bank account. (Page 73)
This truly is just the tip of the iceberg of what you’re about to discover inside this tightly condensed Million Dollar playbook.
All Without EVER Having To Chase OR Beg Your Friends,
Family And Neighbors To Even Look At Your Business
Imagine the looks on the faces of the very same people who laughed and ridiculed you at one time, when you start getting astonishing results like these...
What Others Are Saying...
"I’ve been using AMF in my business and it’s helped me explode to where I am…"
- Ken F. - Calgary, Canada
"AMF is the answer to marketing on the internet…"
- Jim H. - Houston, Texas
"If You’Ve Struggled In Network Marketing, Struggled To Get Leads, Or Just Tired Of Chasing Your Friends And Family – Then You Definitely Want To Listen UP…"
- Richard S. - Houston, Texas
This is what you have to look forward to when you grab the Attraction Marketing Formula and put my system to work for you.
PLUS… when you order my step-by-step blueprint today, you also get these 2 valuable bonuses.
FAST ACTION BONUS #1 ($197.00 Value – FREE):
Lifetime Access To The Elite Marketing PRO Affiliate System
As an owner of Attraction Marketing Formula you’ll have full access to a state-of-the-art online marketing system I’ve personally used to attract and recruit an army of people into my own business, when I got started. This is the exact same system that has been used by thousands of network marketers around the globe to generate leads, help them recruit downline reps and make hefty commissions in the process.Your complimentary account comes with:
Marketing Resources - to master the art of ‘attraction marketing
High-Converting Affiliate Offers - make money, even if people don’t join your business
Fully Automated System - so you can recruit and/or make money while sleeping
It cost us well over $100,000 to develop this lead-generation and commission producing system. And we’ve charged others a very modest fee of just $19.97 per month to use it.
However, as a member of the Attraction Marketing Formula you’ll have instant access at NO ADDITIONAL COST.
FAST ACTION BONUS #2 ($97.00 Value – FREE):
Special LIVE Income Kickstart Training
erwayRemember my mentor Tim Erway? The guy who recruited 1,732 people in a single month?
What I didn’t tell you is that Tim has generated over $30,000,000 in sales online.
And has been responsible for training a whole new generation of Internet Marketers.
Many of whom have become 6, 7, and some even 8-Figure earners, launching their own Internet Empires.
And as a special bonus for getting Attraction Marketing Formula today, I’m inviting you to join Tim and myself on a one-time-only LIVE training webinar, where Tim will reveal his system for generating over $30 Million Bucks online… and show you how YOU can kickstart your Network Marketing business and explode your income using the exact same secrets.
Even if you can’t make the LIVE training, the recording will be posted inside your member’s area.
FAST ACTION BONUS #3 ($297.00 Value – FREE):
Ignition Coaching Program
My mentor and now business partner Tim Erway, will coach you step-by-step on starting your own online marketing business using every single tactic you’ll discover inside Attraction Marketing Formula.
This is by far the most valuable bonus you could ever get your hands on.
The reason an astonishing 95% of people fail in business, even when they have all the right tools and information, is this – no clear plan of action and lack of implementation.
ignition-coaching-screenAnd we’ve solved this problem by putting together a comprehensive 2-part Ignition Coaching Program.
The first part of consists of 4 step-by-step Modules where Tim will personally walk you through the system that has generated over $30,000,000 in sales for him. And HUNDREDS of Millions in combined profits for his students.
You’ll discover both the mindset and the skill set you need to creating a true Lifestyle Business. As well as wealth building secrets to help you become totally Financially FREE.
The second part of this program is even MORE EXCITING.
You get THREE 1-on-1 calls with a business coach to help you take action and implement every step of the process.
This is the ONLY true shortcut to building a successful business and it’s as close as we can possibly get to virtually guarantee your success.
Even at $297.00 it’s a complete steal for what you get. However, I’d like to include this as my gift to you when you take action and grab Attraction Marketing Formula today.
Are You Ready To Kiss Your Struggles And Frustrations Good-Bye… And Explode Your Network Marketing Business?
I’ve thought long and hard about how much I should charge to reveal all these business building and income exploding secrets.
After all, it cost me over $250,000 of cash out of my own pocket to learn these same marketing strategies I’m about to hand you and I'm certainly not just going to give them away.
So I think you’ll agree that at $97 it’s a heck of a bargain.
But I’ve decided to make it really a no-brainer for you, and chop that in half. Which means you can get your hands on the entire Attraction Marketing Formula in the next 2 minutes for only $47.
Plus remember, I’m also throwing in two valuable bonuses worth $294.00 for FREE.
Attraction Marketing Formula
88 Pages of No-B.S. & No Fluff Guide to Creating Your Own Online Prospecting Machine on Auto-Pilot!
Yes I’m Ready To Explode My Network Marketing Business Right Now
$97 Only $47 Now!
add to cart
Add To Cart – $47
Plus, you’re covered by my NO QUESTIONS ASKED 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
If in the next 30 days after you get the manual you don’t think Attraction Marketing Formula will help you explode your business and your income, I demand you get a refund.
Simply shoot my support desk and email and we’ll promptly and cheerfully refund your payment. No questions asked.
Heck, you can even keep the copy of the ebook as a gift from me to you!
So as you can see, there’s absolutely nothing to lose.
Your Purchase Helps Us Fight Hunger & Poverty Around The World
As a company that helps build independent leaders and empower entrepreneurs, I’m especially excited about this initiative. We’ve made a commitment to support a very special organization, Heifer International, with every single purchase of Attraction Marketing Formula.
Heifer is on a mission to help end hunger and poverty by providing relief and empowering struggling communities around the globe to become self-reliant. And we are pledging $1 from the proceeds of every copy of Attraction Marketing Formula to this worthy cause.
Collectively, these seemingly small donations enable us to raise money, including the ability to donate a Gift Arc. This provides a number of communities around the globe with livestock, education and empowerment to people who need help right now. In fact, we've raised over $20,000 just in the first two weeks of introducing this special initiative.
Heifer International helps families turn adversity into hope and prosperity. Which is in perfect alignment with our company’s mission and values. And I couldn’t be more excited about giving back through the help of this world-class organization.
Go ahead and order Attraction Marketing Formula right now and I can’t wait to hear about your success.
Ferny Ceballos
P.S.- I’ve gotten a number of questions about the system, so here are some frequently asked ones below.
Frequently Asked Questions
q-icon Will this work for me?
YES! Throughout our years in this industry, I have always found people that were willing to do the work. The problem is, they never knew exactly what they needed to do to get results. Attraction Marketing Formula was born from this mindset:
“How do I get new distributors the results they need to keep growing?”
“How can I make sure my downline doesn’t quit?”
These are the exact questions that made me look for a better way. This course is written for anyone looking for a better way to build their business. Even though I’m an ex-rocket scientist, I guarantee that Attraction Marketing Formula requires no special skills other than a desire to succeed.
q-iconWhat if I’ve been around for a while? Will I learn anything new?
YES! If you’ve had success using old-school methods, then you can only do better using the principles in Attraction Marketing Formula to extend your reach. We don’t bash old-school methods, we only lament their lack of effectiveness in a more modern, more interruptible world. Using attraction marketing to amplify the relationship building you’ve always been taught is a surefire recipe for success.
q-icon Is this course worth it?
I too have been burned in the past buying courses that either didn’t work or were full of stuff I already knew. In fact, I got burned a few times buying overpriced coaching programs and outdated ebooks that offered very little value.
Which is why I put this offer together with a couple of things in mind:
* To give you exactly what you need to build your online lead generating machine online.
* Make it affordable for any serious networker looking to grow their business online and remove all risk.
* Provide you with everything you need in one place.
You won’t be able to find all the information available in AMF for less than what you are paying today.
It simply isn’t possible — trust me, we’ve proved it!
So I would have to say that you are either insane or not serious about your business, if you’re not willing to invest $27 and change your life. This is a bargain. Period.
q-iconWhat about talking to prospects? Will I still have to cold call?
HELL NO! I am anti-cold calling.
You should only be talking to prospects excited about your opportunity. This is NOT a numbers game, remember? AMF was created to help you automate your business and attract the best leads for your business.
May you call your leads anyway? Sure.
Personally following up with interested prospects will multiply your results, but it is NOT a requirement. That’s the best part of this system. If you’re not comfortable on the phone, don’t do it.
Plain and simple. Let the system do the work for you.
“You Will Be in Good Hands…”
Mike Dillard
“I first noticed Ferny as an active member of my community. He was providing high quality content and adding tremendous value to our members.
I, of course, took an interest, especially when he started teaching others in the community about advanced strategies no one in the networking marketing community was offering.
My response was, “this guy should be charging for this stuff.“
Since then, I’ve invited him to work with me on several different projects.
I am very selective in the caliber of people I choose to associate and work with. So the fact that I trusted Ferny to help run any aspect of my business, speaks volumes about his abilities and qualifications.
You will be in good hands with this guy at your side.”
Mike Dillard Magnetic Sponosoring
P.P.S. Remember, you literally have 30 days to consume AMF and have it produce results for you. If you are not completely satisfied, simply email to within 30 days of your purchase, request a refund and we’ll process it immediately.
Ready to kick the old school tried and true tactics to the curb?
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Income Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this system or any of these products. This is information designed to help you understand the specific information covered. It is not an attempt to render tax, legal, or business advice. We do not purport this as a “Get Rich Scheme”. This is not a business opportunity. How you use the information is entirely up to you. While every effort has been made to accurately represent the information along with my opinions and insights, any claims made or examples given, although believed to be accurate, should not be relied on in any way in making a decision whether or not to purchase.
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