Mental and Physical Fitness Need to Be Ongoing
Mental and Physical Fitness Need to Be Ongoing
Achieving success is like achieving physical fitness. It is like bathing, brushing your teeth, and eating. It is something that you need to do continuously, every day. Once you begin, you never stop until your life and career are over and you have achieved all the success you desire.
Not long ago, I was giving a seminar in Seattle. Just before the break, I encouraged people to buy and listen to my audio programs on sales, time management, and personal success. At the break, several people came up to me to ask me questions about the seminar content. One salesman pushed his way forward and said, “When you encourage people to buy your programs, you should tell them the whole truth.”
I asked, “How do you mean?”
He went on to say, “You are not telling the whole truth about your programs. You should tell people that they only work for a certain period of time, and then they stop working.”
Again, I asked, “How do you mean?”
He said, “Well, I came to your seminar about five years ago, and I was completely convinced by your presentation. I bought all your programs and began listening to them. I read every day in sales. And you were right, over the next three years, I tripled my income and became the top seller in my company. But then my income flattened out and has not increased at all over the last two years. The fact is that your materials stop working after a certain point.”
I then asked him, “What happened to you two years ago, when your income flattened out and stopped increasing?”
He searched his memory, thought for a while and then said, “Well, I was selling so much that I was hired away by another company. Ever since I started my new job, my income has remained flat.”
I asked him, “What did you do differently in your new job in comparison with your previous job?”
He started to answer. He then stopped. A shocked look came over his face. Finally he replied,
“Oh my gosh! I stopped doing it. When I changed jobs, I stopped reading in sales. I stopped
listening to audio programs. I stopped attending seminars. I stopped doing it!”
He walked away shaking his head,muttering to himself, “I stopped doing it. I stopped doing it.
I stopped doing it.”
Becoming an expert in your field, continually upgrading your skills—which I will talk about in
Chapter 5—is like physical fitness. If you stop exercising for any period of time, you don’t maintain
your fitness at the same level. You begin to decline. Your body and your muscles become softer and
weaker. You lose your strength, flexibility, and stamina. In order to maintain them, you must keep
working at them every day, every week, and every month.
Achieving success is like achieving physical fitness. It is like bathing, brushing your teeth, and eating. It is something that you need to do continuously, every day. Once you begin, you never stop until your life and career are over and you have achieved all the success you desire.
Not long ago, I was giving a seminar in Seattle. Just before the break, I encouraged people to buy and listen to my audio programs on sales, time management, and personal success. At the break, several people came up to me to ask me questions about the seminar content. One salesman pushed his way forward and said, “When you encourage people to buy your programs, you should tell them the whole truth.”
I asked, “How do you mean?”
He went on to say, “You are not telling the whole truth about your programs. You should tell people that they only work for a certain period of time, and then they stop working.”
Again, I asked, “How do you mean?”
He said, “Well, I came to your seminar about five years ago, and I was completely convinced by your presentation. I bought all your programs and began listening to them. I read every day in sales. And you were right, over the next three years, I tripled my income and became the top seller in my company. But then my income flattened out and has not increased at all over the last two years. The fact is that your materials stop working after a certain point.”
I then asked him, “What happened to you two years ago, when your income flattened out and stopped increasing?”
He searched his memory, thought for a while and then said, “Well, I was selling so much that I was hired away by another company. Ever since I started my new job, my income has remained flat.”
I asked him, “What did you do differently in your new job in comparison with your previous job?”
He started to answer. He then stopped. A shocked look came over his face. Finally he replied,
“Oh my gosh! I stopped doing it. When I changed jobs, I stopped reading in sales. I stopped
listening to audio programs. I stopped attending seminars. I stopped doing it!”
He walked away shaking his head,muttering to himself, “I stopped doing it. I stopped doing it.
I stopped doing it.”
Becoming an expert in your field, continually upgrading your skills—which I will talk about in
Chapter 5—is like physical fitness. If you stop exercising for any period of time, you don’t maintain
your fitness at the same level. You begin to decline. Your body and your muscles become softer and
weaker. You lose your strength, flexibility, and stamina. In order to maintain them, you must keep
working at them every day, every week, and every month.